Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our First Sunday

This Sunday was the first Sunday we ventured out of the home study and into our new building! We were all very excited and anxious to see what God is going to do. Wednesday our service times will be posted in the newspaper, and we are meeting at the elementary school here in town. It was a blessing to have the Shrewsberry gang with us to support and encourage this new step of faith.
David leading worship

My Dad teaching

Children's Church with their fishing poles to remind them that they are "fishers of men"


  1. that is so neat. So happy for your family. I swear your Dad doesn't age.

  2. How exciting! It will be great to read more about what the Lord is doing with your family's ministry.

  3. So Awesome!!! I'm glad your blogging so we can see all that God is doing:) Love the fish! Too cute.

  4. Ya...great pics Jenna! Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you finally found a "home" and a place where you can grow and be used by the Lord. Love the fishing poles too.

  5. Jenna,
    I hadn't seen this entry yet! So exciting! We love you guys!!!

  6. Jenna,
    It's been months. How about a short note in your blog? I have to go to Megan's to hear about you guys.
    Love you,
